Library visit πŸ“š

As part of World Book Day, year 5 visited the library and had the opportunity to read for pleasure. They also learnt how to sign some science related words in Makaton. A few lucky children even won a book to take home πŸ˜ƒ


Last week we looked at the effects of smoking and children were divided into groups and asked to research how smoking effects different parts of the body. Some children chose to present their work as a poster, drama, cartoon or poem. These children decided to write song lyrics!

Police visit in year 5 πŸš“

The police came into year 5 to talk to the class about online safety this week. It was clear that children are aware of the dangerous that they can face online and it was great to hear that children know how they should behave when using social media.

🌟 Well Done Certificate πŸŒŸ

Well done to this maths superstar! He is incredibly fast with mental calculations and can apply his knowledge and skills in lessons. He always has his hand in the air to contribute in class, which is lovely to see! Well done πŸ‘ πŸ’«

Last week we started our β€˜Circle of Life’ science topic. We discussed the reproduction in plants and children had the opportunity to label the male and female parts of a daffodil.

In science this week, year 5 have been investigating friction. We used Newton meters and friction boards to test out our prediction that rough surfaces cause more friction.